Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) administers the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®)—The Essential Credential™.
CAMICB is the professional accreditation body for over 20,000 community association managers worldwide. CMCAs manage condominium & homeowner associations, housing cooperatives, resort communities, and commercial tenant associations.
CAMICB, formerly NBC-CAM, was established by Community Associations Institute (CAI) in 1995 as an independent nonprofit that develops and administers the CMCA certification program. CAI created the program in response to a need for stringent community association management professional standards and to establish community association management as a distinct profession – defined by a commitment to professionalism, integrity, and mastery of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to serve effectively as a community association manager. The charge to CAMICB (then NBC-CAM) in 1995 was clear and specific: develop a credentialing program anchored by a strong examination that tests candidates in the key areas of a manager’s responsibilities and rewards successful candidates with a recognizable credential positioned to evolve into the “The Essential Credential” in the field of community association management.
Mission, Vision, and Value Proposition
Mission: To enhance the community association management profession and protect homeowners living in community associations by recognizing people who have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the profession’s defined body of knowledge.
Vision: To be the most widely recognized and trusted credential for the community association management profession.
Value Proposition: The CMCA offers a level of protection to homeowners and their communities by offering a trusted credential awarded only to professional managers who have demonstrated competency in the defined body of knowledge of a community association manager.
Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
CAMICB is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all organizational activities, including staff, volunteer, and leadership recruitment, development of the CMCA exam, and maintenance and promotion of the CMCA credential. By actively pursuing this commitment, CAMICB benefits from a dynamic mix of ideas, perspectives, and life experiences, expanding our thinking and opening the organization to new possibilities. We strive to encourage a culture of discovery, innovation, and service as we pursue our mission to continually elevate professionalism and integrity in community association management.
Commitment to Impartiality and Confidentiality
The CAMICB Board of Commissioners is committed to impartiality in all aspects of the certification program, including actions related to applicants, candidates, and CMCA credential holders. The Board monitors its policies to ensure continued impartiality.
The Board’s commitment to impartiality includes the development of an annual Threat Analysis, the commitment to adhere to the conflict of interest policy, and the review of all complaints.
The Board does not permit influence or pressure from internal or external sources to compromise impartiality.
The Board is committed to protecting confidential or proprietary information related to applicants, candidates, CMCA credential holders, and the examination development, maintenance, and administration process.
To ensure the security of the examination, all test materials are confidential and will not be released to any person or agency.
Personal information submitted with an application or recertification application is confidential. Personal information retained within the CAMICB database will be kept confidential. Examination scores are released only to the examination candidate unless a signed release is provided in writing by the individual or is required by law.
The names and certification statuses are not considered confidential and may be published for verification purposes. Verification will be accessible via the online directory or by contacting the CAMICB office. CMCAs may opt out of inclusion in the online verification system during the application process or by emailing the CAMICB office.
International Standards for Certification Programs

The CMCA program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) through March 2030, a recognition that reaffirms our compliance with the Commission’s rigorous standards for U.S.-based professional credentialing bodies. This reaccreditation reflects CAMICB’s ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest levels of excellence in certification.
In April 2021, the CMCA credential was first accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the ISO/IEC Standard 17024, and we are now in our fourth year of accreditation. This globally respected designation highlights compliance with international professional credentialing standards, further elevating the CMCA credential’s reputation.
The CMCA remains the only accredited certification for community association management professionals worldwide, making it a distinguished and highly respected achievement.
Dual accreditation from NCCA and ANAB is a tremendous source of pride for CAMICB and a testament to the value, credibility, and strength of the CMCA credential. We hope our credential holders share this pride, as it reflects their dedication to professional excellence and adherence to the highest industry standards.
Nondiscrimination and Fairness Policy
CAMICB adheres to fairness and due process principles and endorses the principles of equal opportunity. CAMICB, the Board, and any selected testing vendor(s) do not discriminate or deny opportunity to anyone based on race, color, creed, age, gender, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, parental status, ancestry, sexual orientation, military discharge status, source of income, or any other status protected by applicable law. All applicants/candidates for certification will be judged solely on the Board’s published eligibility and recertification criteria.
CAMICB is governed by a nine-member Board of Commissioners. At least five of the commissioners must be CMCA certificants, and at least one must be a homeowner, consumer, or another public member.
Noelle Hicks, Esq. (Chair)
Michael Darby, CMCA (Vice-chair)
M. Katherine Bushey, Esq. (Secretary/Treasurer)
Jennifer Andal, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
Cathleen Dunn, CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM
Yasmeen Nurmohamed, CMCA
Wendy Taylor, CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM
Michael Traidman (Homeowner)
Debra Warren, CMCA, PCAM
Past Chairs
Gregory G. Smith, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
Sandy Denton, CMCA, LSM, PCAM
Drew Mulhare, CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM
Judy Rosen, CMCA (Ret.), AMS (Ret.), PCAM (Ret.)
Robert A. Felix, CMCA, LSM, RS
Patricia A. Wasson
Judi Phares, CMCA, PCAM
W. Stephen Castle, CMCA (Ret.) AMS, PCAM